Petroleum Geology

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Let’s take a brief look at what you can expect to learn in our Petroleum Geology Course.

Petroleum Geology Course Content Overview

  • The Global Energy Marketplace
  • The History of Extraction
  • Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Geology
  • Petroleum Systems
  • Hydrocarbon Exploration
  • Leasing and Permitting

The Global Energy Marketplace lesson weaves together foundational threads on energy concepts and units, sources of energy, and the core role of energy in our everyday lives. The lesson takes the learner on a journey through various geopolitical landscapes, international energy resources, and how they intersect with society in the world today. You can explore the supply and demand side of the global energy equation through a variety of interactive graphs and charts. The final topics at the end of the lesson cover energy utilization in the United States and the importance of the shale revolution. This first lesson in the Petroleum Geology course gives you a broad overview of the current situation and future trends.

Next, The History of Extraction lesson guides you through the start of the current energy picture and leads you to where we are today. You get a glimpse of extraction, combustion, case studies of oil fields, and a general overview of oil and gas regulation.

The Hydrocarbons and Petroleum Geology lesson offers insight into basic hydrocarbons, including the essentials of geology, basic rock types, and how plate tectonics contributes to petroleum resources.

The Petroleum Systems lesson explores the fundamental elements needed for petroleum accumulation. A successful petroleum system requires the perfect timing of hydrocarbon generation, maturation, migration, and trapping. You will better understand how geologists investigate the earth to find just such a perfect ordering of events, both for conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources. 

The Hydrocarbon Exploration lesson presents the sophisticated methods used to search for petroleum resources. You can explore the data types and maps that enable geologists to find key elements such as geological structures. These technical aspects of the search for petroleum often result in subsurface models for exploration targets.

In the final lesson on Leasing and Permitting, the initial phases of operations set the stage for future drilling, evaluation and production at a site. What are the various components of the lease? What terms help protect the landowner? Who issues permits? What is the process for obtaining a permit?

The Petroleum Geology course provides you with a fundamental understanding of what typically happens ‘ahead of the bit’ – that is – before the drillbit enters the ground. A self-check at the end of each lesson provides the opportunity to refresh and cement your knowledge so that you are ready for the next lesson.

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Images: “Earth at Night” by NASA

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